Saturday, November 15, 2008


ok if ya'll wanna see a really cool blog go to flyer girl's blog. its my BFFEAE's blog.

(BFFEAE means-best friend for ever and ever)


it was my B-day on Monday!!! yea!!! today i celebrated it i went and got my hair cut short and put red streaks in it. then i got my nails done and i look FABULOUS!! uuuuhhhh...being a teenager sometimes is really hard though


Ok thursdays officially SUCK!! everything that could go wrong with friends went wrong!! me and my BF kinda got in a mini fight...well that went aroud and turn into something soooo big. then all my close friends got mad at me and i made some really good new friends (thats the only good part) im really glad its over and im trying to erase it from my mind!! wish me luck!

Sunday, November 2, 2008


my halloween was such a bust no one was home or some people didnt even have candy!! how lame is that?!?!?!?!

Saturday, November 1, 2008


I love the flock of Maximum Ride!!! I luv you guys!!!